How to enjoy MONday Apart

Enjoy a life just like your everyday life in Japan in an apartment hotel fully equipped with all the necessities for living.
We will introduce you to how to live in Japan.

1st. DAY

  • PM 3:00


    The lantern at the entrance is the landmark.
    Arrived at MONday apartment.
    Automatic check-in at the front desk
    Grab your amenities and head to your room.

    A room where you can feel

  • PM 4:00

    Enjoy the surrounding area

    After putting down your luggage, take a walk around the nearby area.
    Enjoy sightseeing and shopping.
    You might make a new discovery.

  • PM 5:30

    Nearby supermarkets and
    Shopping at the store

    Nearby supermarkets and shops that I researched
    Shopping in the shopping district.
    I can't wait for dinner time.

Challenge Cooking !

Cooking rice. When you think of the Japanese dining table, you think of "rice."
Rice cooked in a rice cooker is an essential staple food in Japan.
Please take this opportunity to enjoy the blessings of nature that are filled with the Japanese spirit.

How to Cook Rice

  1. 1

    Measure the rice

    Measure the rice using a rice cooker cup and place it in the rice cooker pot. When measuring the rice, smooth the surface with your finger to make sure you measure it accurately.
    1 cup = 180ml (1 go)

  2. 2

    Wash the rice

    Put plenty of water into the rice cooker pot, stir it with your hands to wash it, then discard the water. Repeat this 3 to 4 times.
    You don't have to do it until the water becomes clear.

  3. 3

    Place in rice cooker

    Add 200ml of water to 1 cup (180ml) of rice. Place it in the rice cooker and press the cook button. Once cooked, it's done.

  • PM 7:00

    Enjoy your meal

    More relaxed than usual
    With family and friends
    Enjoy a relaxed dinner together.

  • PM 9:00

    Only with family and friends
    In a slow time...

    After having fun all day, the kids went to bed early.
    Parents can relax knowing they will be in the same room.
    Relaxing time just for couples or friends.
    A luxurious time only available on the road

2nd. DAY

  • AM 8:00

    Wake up

    The next morning, I woke up basking in the morning sun.
    When you wake up, the view is different than usual.

  • AM 9:30

    Nearby shops and
    Breakfast in your room

    You can have breakfast in your room using ingredients you bought the day before, or get takeout from a nearby cafe.
    Sit in your room and think about your schedule for the day.