Privacy Policy

1. Our approach to protecting personal information

In order to facilitate the smooth running of our business, our company (JHAT Co., Ltd.) obtains and uses information such as customer names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. We recognize that the proper protection of such customer personal information (hereinafter referred to as "personal information") is an important responsibility, and in order to fulfill this responsibility, we handle personal information under the following policy.

  1. We will comply with the laws and other related laws that apply to personal information, and will handle personal information appropriately in accordance with generally accepted practices regarding the handling of personal information. We will also strive to improve the handling of personal information as necessary.
  2. We will clarify the rules regarding the handling of personal information and thoroughly inform all employees of these rules. We will also request that business partners handle personal information appropriately.
  3. When acquiring personal information, we will specify the purpose of use, notify or publicize it, and handle the personal information in accordance with that purpose.
  4. In order to prevent the leakage, loss, falsification, etc. of personal information, we will take necessary measures and manage it appropriately.
  5. We will accept requests from customers to disclose, correct, delete, or suspend the use of their personal information through the designated contact point, and will respond in good faith.

2. Purpose of Use

In connection with the management of hotels (including hotel MONday and other hotels operated by our company) and related management businesses, we obtain personal information necessary for the execution of our business. This personal information will be used for the following purposes.
Furthermore, in order to smoothly carry out our business, we may provide personal information to the extent necessary to third parties to whom we outsource part of our business. In such cases, we will provide appropriate supervision to these parties, including by entering into contracts regarding the handling of personal information.


Reservations for hotel accommodations, banquets, food and beverages, and various other services, and other related matters;
Providing information on services, special offers, and products related to hotel operations, and event announcements,
Guidance, screening, management and service provision for member organizations, surveys regarding the above-mentioned operations,
To respond to inquiries and requests for information, and to carry out other business related to the above.

3. Disclosure and provision to third parties

We will not disclose or provide personal information to third parties, except in cases where it is provided to business partners as described in "2. Purpose of Use, etc.", or in any of the following cases:

  1. When the customer has given their consent
  2. When disclosure or provision is made in a form that does not allow the identification of the individual, such as statistical data
  3. When disclosure or provision is required by law
  4. When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent
  5. When it is necessary to cooperate with national or local public organizations in carrying out public affairs, and with the consent of the customer
    When there is a risk of impeding the performance of the relevant business

4. Procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, correction/change, suspension of use/deletion

If you wish to disclose, correct, or stop using your personal data held by our company, we will respond in writing to the address stated in your application documents after verifying your identity.

5. Method and contact point for accepting requests for disclosure, etc.

Requests for disclosure, etc. of personal data held by our company will be accepted in the following ways.
Please request the application form from the head office listed in "7. Contact for applications regarding the handling of personal information". Please fill in the application form with the details of the disclosure you require and send it by mail to the head office.
Furthermore, please write "Disclosure application documents enclosed" on the envelope.
In order to verify your identity, please enclose a copy of your driver's license, passport, health insurance card, seal registration certificate, etc.

6. Request for Disclosure, etc. by an Agent

If the person making the Disclosure, etc. request is the legal representative of a minor or an adult ward, or a representative entrusted by the individual to make the Disclosure, etc. request, please enclose the documents listed below in addition to the documents listed in the previous paragraph.

  1. In the case of a legal representative
    ・Documents to prove legal representation
    (Family register or, if the person has parental authority, a copy of the health insurance card listing dependents is also acceptable) 1 copy
    ・Documents verifying that you are the legal representative of a minor or an adult ward
    (Copy of the legal representative's driver's license, passport, or other official document) 1 copy
  2. In the case of a proxy by delegation: ・One letter of attorney ・One copy of the person's personal seal registration certificate

7. Contact for inquiries regarding the handling of personal information

For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information, please contact us at the address listed below.

JHAT Co., Ltd.
Kiswire Okachimachi Building 7F, 1-15-4 Higashiueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Phone number: 03-6453-0960
Reception hours: 9:30-18:00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and the New Year holidays)

Contact us

8. Disclosure request fees and collection method

A fee of ¥500 (tax included) will be charged for each application. Please enclose ¥500 worth of postage stamps with your application documents. If the fee is insufficient or if the fee is not enclosed, we will contact you. However, please note that if payment is not made within the specified period, we will treat the request as if it had not been made.
*Please note that we cannot accept requests if you visit our office in person.

9. Revision of Privacy Policy

This policy may be revised without notice.

Handling of personal information on this website

JHAT Co., Ltd. (which operates hotels under brand names such as hotel MONday and others; hereafter referred to as "the Hotel") pays the utmost attention to customer privacy and personal information (hereafter referred to as "personal information"). We believe that protecting customer personal information is the basis of our business activities and a social responsibility. In order to responsibly protect customer personal information, the Hotel has established the following rules regarding the protection of personal information, and is working to build an internal system, implement and maintain measures, and continually improve them.

Our approach to personal information

The Hotel has established standards for handling personal information protection for the website operated by the Hotel (hereinafter referred to as "this site"). The Hotel's approach to customer personal information on this site is as follows.

  1. Collection of your personal information
    Our Hotel may ask you to provide personal information in order for you to use our services. As a general rule, we will not collect personal information from you without your consent. When our Hotel asks you to provide personal information, we will collect the personal information only after clarifying the purpose of its use or provision.
    (However, please be aware in advance that if you do not provide us with your personal information, there may be some services that you cannot use.)
  2. Use of your personal information
    Use will be limited to the purposes that have been clearly stated to the customer in advance.
    If it becomes necessary to use your personal information for purposes beyond those explicitly stated when collecting it, we will use it only with your prior consent and approval, and will notify you to that effect.
  3. Provision of customer personal information to third parties
    The database in which the personal information of customers who use this site is registered is managed by the person responsible for management of the Hotel and a contractor contracted by the Hotel. In the following cases, the personal information of customers may be disclosed to a third party.
    - When it is deemed necessary to disclose or share information in order to provide services to customers.
    ・When information is required by a partner company contracted by the Hotel for the purpose of providing services to customers.
    ・When we receive consent from the customer to disclose information.
    - When we receive a formal inquiry based on law from a public institution such as the police or a court.
    - Other cases of significant and urgent need for the customer, our company, or a third party.
  4. The Hotel properly and strictly manages personal information collected from customers, and takes preventive and safety measures to prevent unauthorized access to customers' personal information, as well as the loss, destruction, falsification, and leakage of information.
  5. If you wish to disclose your personal information registered with our hotel, we will disclose the information after verifying your identity in accordance with our procedures. If, as a result of disclosure, it becomes clear that the information is inaccurate or incorrect, we will correct it.
  6. Our hotel will strive to operate its business in accordance with laws and regulations and other standards concerning the protection of personal information.
  7. Our hotel will strive to continually improve the protection and handling of personal information.

Requests to Customers

The Hotel cannot assume responsibility for ensuring the safety of your personal information on other websites linked to this site. We recommend that you personally examine the content of the handling standards for personal information protection on websites other than the Hotel, and if there are no such standards, you should directly check with the department or person in charge of the website in question to confirm the safety of your personal information.

Use of statistical information

Information about customers who use this website is used as statistical information excluding personal information. This information will be used as various forms of marketing data, but will not be used for any other purposes. We recommend that you personally examine the content of the handling standards for personal information protection on websites other than our Hotel, and if there are no such standards, you should directly check with the department or person in charge of the website in question to confirm the safety of your personal information.

Our website uses Google Analytics to understand how users use our website. We use cookies provided by Google Analytics, but Google Analytics does not obtain any personally identifiable information.
Data collected through the use of Google Analytics is managed in accordance with Google's privacy policy. Please check the Google Analytics homepage for the Google Analytics terms of use and privacy policy.

Google Analytics Terms of Service
Google Policies and Terms

Furthermore, we shall not be liable for any damages incurred as a result of the use of Google Analytics services.

Use of Cookies

This website uses cookies. You can disable the cookie function by changing your browser settings, but as a result, you may not be able to use some of the services on this website. We recommend that you examine the content of the handling standards for personal information protection on websites other than our hotel, and if there are no handling standards, you should directly check with the department or person in charge of the website in question to confirm the safety of your personal information.

Access log recording

This website records the access log of those who access the website. The access log includes the domain name and IP address of the person accessing the website, the type of browser used, the date and time of access, the link source, etc., but does not include any information that can identify an individual.
The access log will be used for the maintenance and management of this website and for statistical analysis of usage, but will not be used for any other purposes. We recommend that you personally examine the content of the handling standards for personal information protection on websites other than our hotel, and if there are no handling standards, you should directly check with the department or person in charge of the website in question to confirm the safety of your personal information.

Revision of Privacy Policy

If there are any important changes to our privacy policy, we will announce it on this website. For other changes, please check the latest information on this website from time to time. Please note that the Hotel will not be held responsible for any troubles arising from failure to check the privacy policy.

Contact for customer inquiries regarding this matter

Contact us