hotel MONday Premium TOYOSU


Information about universal compatibility

We hope that all our guests will have a safe and comfortable stay.
All of our staff will strive to provide the best possible service.
We would like to introduce you to the facilities and barrier-free facilities at hotel MONday TOYOSU.

Physically disabled/wheelchair users

Availability of facilities /
Availability of equipment rental
correspondence remarks
For the disabled
Parking Space
1 unit / Reservations accepted by phone
In front of the entrance
Wheelchair ramp
Inside the building
Steps in common areas
× -
Inside the building
Handrails in common areas
× -
Elevator 3 units (Capacity 15 people, Size 150cm x 160cm, Effective width of entrance 90cm)
Wheelchair accessible
The room
1 room For details, please check here
From the guest room to the large public bath
Steps up to
There is a 30cm step at the entrance to the large bath.
Handrails in the large bath × There are handrails only when entering the bathtub.
From the room to the restaurant
Steps up to
× -
Wheelchair accessible
Table seating
The table height is 70cm
Wheelchair accessible
Shared toilet
It is located on the first floor.
Wheelchair rental Please speak to the front desk staff.
Rental of bath amenities The following equipment is available:
Please contact us for any other inquiries.
Shower chair
Personnel response /
Availability of service
correspondence remarks
Assistance provided by employees when moving around the facility
Assistance and support provided by staff at dining venues
We ask that an attendant provide assistance and support. We will do our best to help with guidance and support, so please let us know in advance.

Visually impaired people

Availability of facilities /
Availability of equipment rental
correspondence remarks
Inside the building
Handrails in common areas
× -
At the building entrance
For guiding visually impaired people
Block or
Audio guidance
× -
Building guide map
Braille notation
× -
Font size
Considerate guide map of the area
× -
In the elevator
Audio guidance
In the elevator
Braille display on the control panel
On the guest room door
3D room number display
In the guest room
Emergency voice broadcast
In the shared toilet
Tactile map
× -
Personnel response /
Availability of service
correspondence remarks
By employees
Building entrance and guest rooms
Induction to
(Upon arrival at the facility)
By employees
In-room facilities and
Operating Instructions
By employees
Assistance when moving around the facility,
At the dining venue
Assistance and support provided by employees
× We ask that an attendant provide assistance and support. We will do our best to help with guidance and support, so please let us know in advance.
Accommodation card
Proxy entry

Hearing impaired

Availability of facilities /
Availability of equipment rental
correspondence remarks
In the elevator
Destination display (lamp display)
In the elevator
Emergency text information display
× -
In-cabin emergency alarm
Lamp or
Vibration for calling
× -
Subtitle-enabled TV
Remote control with subtitle display button
× -
Personnel response /
Availability of service
correspondence remarks
Telephone, fax, email, etc.
Multiple ways to contact
In addition to telephone, we also provide support via fax and email.
By employees
Written communication available
By employees
Sign language support
× -


Availability of facilities /
Availability of equipment rental
correspondence remarks
Bathing with a companion is not permitted.
Private bath available
× -
With corresponding facilities
Shared toilet
× -
Service dogs
(Guide dogs, service dogs, hearing dogs)
Private toilet
× -
Phone, Fax, Email
Contact method
In addition to telephone, we also provide support via fax and email.
(Automated External Defibrillator)
There is one at the front desk.
Personnel response /
Availability of service
correspondence remarks
In-room dining available × -
Meal provision
Flexible response
(Allergy-friendly meals, chopped meals, etc.)
× -
Food composition labeling
We have a chart with the seven major allergies listed next to each breakfast menu item, so that you can easily see what is allergy-related. We are unable to accommodate dinner menu items.
Multilingual Supported languages (English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Thai, Portuguese, French, Burmese, Sinhalese) Depending on the work shift, we may not be able to provide support in your preferred language. Thank you for your understanding.

About the Universal Room

This room features a wheelchair-friendly entrance door and plenty of turning space inside.
To make a reservation, please contact each hotel by phone, fax or email.
When you contact us, we will confirm whether you wish to use the wheelchair priority parking lot and whether you have any rental items.

[Universal room specifications]

If you wish, we will guide you to your room.
We will provide you with information on the facilities and layout of the guest rooms.
We will rearrange the furniture as much as possible.
We will help you open and close the curtains in the morning and evening.

1 room (non-smoking) 13th floor
Area: 32.24 m²
Bed size: 100cm x 195cm (3 beds), 90cm x 195cm (1 sofa bed)
Bathroom: Unit bath (with handrails)
Capacity: Maximum 4 people

[Available items for loan]
If you would like this service, please let us know when making your reservation.
Bath chair, extension cord, bucket and washbowl

Click here for 360° photos
  • Wall Storage

    Wall desk height: 71cm
    There is space underneath the writing desk so that you can use the desk while remaining in your wheelchair.
    Other wall storage includes glasses, mugs, an electric kettle, tissues, notepads, hand mirrors, etc. We can arrange these items in a way that makes them easy to reach.

  • Washroom and bathroom

    The door width from the guest room to the bathroom is 85cm. There is no step. The height to the wash basin is 76cm.

  • Room number plate

    It has a embossed design that won't hurt your hands when you touch it.

Other universal support

  • Wheelchair ramp in front of the entrance

    The difference in elevation from the road is 27cm.

  • Elevator

    The buttons are located in a position that is easy for wheelchair users to press. The buttons are Braille-compatible and announce when the gates are open or closed.

  • Universal toilet (multipurpose restroom)

    There are no facilities for ostomates.